Friday, March 20, 2015

CT Ladybears by BLT DeZignZ

*~*~***CT BLT DeZignZ***~*~*
Cool new kit called Ladybears is in stores now by BLT_DeZignZ
PTU here:
Tubes by verymany and can be found here
 here are some freebies for you :)

I ended up making two clusters cuz the layout cluster just kinda popped out at me ;)
this is the first one, which the Tags are made out of-

you can grab it HERE
and the second cluster which is made in the layout

you can snag this cluster HERE
this here is the layout I did up
the tag I did up with it

 you can get the layout in 1200x1200 size HERE
thanks for looking :)


Wednesday, March 11, 2015


*****CT BLT DeZignZ*****
Awesome new kit called U Dig was the focus of my attention recently. 
wicked fun kit to play around with!!!
Tube by Gorjuss and can be found on here
 here are some freebies for you :)
the cluster I made and used for the tags:
and the layout is in 2 sizes, one tagger and one bigger - this is the tagger size example ;)

here are the links :
tagger size
and the larger size
have fun and happy playing :)